Join Our Free Webinar Series on Interface Design with Powersim Studio!

Mindseye Computing is excited to offer three free 1-hour webinars on interface design using Powersim Studio, sharing insights from over 20 years of experience in Studio and desktop application development. Webinar Schedule: You will get access to a sample model that we will use in the sessions Fundamentals and Using the Built-In Tools. The model […]
Seminar on Investments and Big-tech trends

Thanks to Bergen Chamber of Commerce Industry and Tryg for hosting this breakfast seminar highlighting health-related investment trends from the USA and which health initiatives Big Tech focuses on now. Very inspiring to listen to Dr Patricia Moore’s talk on the importance of design for the individual person (ENAVTI), but also impressive to learn how […]
Workshops at South Africa System Dynamics Conference

In a virtual conference hosted by the South Africa System Dynamics Chapter, Len Malczynski, from Mindseye Computing, will conduct a workshop and a seminar related to Powersim Studio. The conference takes place from 16th to 18th Nov 2022. The South Africa System Dynamics Chapter (SASDC) is hosting a virtual 10th annual South African System Dynamics […]
Powersim Equilizer; save energy & costs

From July 1st 2022, in Norway, all private households will start using “Grid rent by effect”. This means that the previously fixed monthly payment for the power lines into your house, from this date on will be invoiced using different tariffs, based on the highest effect you consume during each month. We have made a […]
Studio workshop at this year’s System Dynamics conference

Workshops at the 2022 International Conference of the System Dynamics Society in Frankfurt, Germany July 18-22. Len Malczynski from Mindseye Computing, will on Tuesday, July 12 conduct 2 workshops at the System Dynamics conference. The workshops are virtual events and you may register for the conference here. 14:00 Starting from scratch: Better model construction 16:00 […]
Presenting at seminar at Nordhordland emergency services

Norsk tekst We were recently invited to hold a presentation at a seminar at Nordhordland emergency services. The participants were given a sample of how forecasting can be used to: study the patient flow through the emergency room starting with all emergency call data. evaluate how well current staffing meets the governmental functional requirements for […]
Powersim Studio 10 is compatible with Windows 11

Powersim Software is delighted to announce that Powersim Studio 10 runs smoothly with Windows 11 Powersim Software have performed tests to ensure that both the Powersim Studio 10 software and models created within this environment run without problems or errors, and that they perform well on the Windows platform. Powersim Studio 10 is tested for […]
Seminar Recordings from the SDS seminar

You will find the seminar recordings and related material from the Introduction to Modelling seminar held by Mr. Len Malczynski. Also enjoy the special offer for your preferred Powersim Studio modelling tool. This seminar is an introduction to modelling a quantitative model of the classic apartment vacancy/build cycle. Mr Len Malczynski from MindsEye Computing conducted […]
Online seminar on October 20 th.

You are welcome to attend this upcoming online seminar on October 20 th. at 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT This seminar will be an introduction to modelling regarding a quantitative model of the classic apartment vacancy/build cycle. Mr Len Malczynski from MindsEye Computing will conduct the seminar, which is held by the System Dynamics Society. Due to sponsorship by Powersim Software, this seminar will be open to the public and free of charge. Register To build the model demonstrated during this hands-on seminar, you are […]
Cardiff University utilise Powersim Studio in dynamic ecology models

Utilizing our Powersim Studio tool and System Dynamics modelling, Dr. Aditee Mitra of Cardiff University teaches the next generation of marine scientists about the mixotrophic plankton that rule the waves. Powersim Studio modeling of Dynamic Ecology. MixITiN is a project that is training the next generation of marine scientists to work on the mixoplankton paradigm, where mixotrophic plankton rule the waves. Dr. Aditee […]