Powersim Studio Webinars
Our online webinars will give you in-depth insight into topics on how to use Powersim Studio modelling tools.
Each webinar is approximately one hour long.
Use one of our Powersim Studio modelling tools or download Powersim Studio Demo or Powersim Studio Express for free.
Powersim Studio Webinars
Aging Chain Modelling
Create an explicit aging chain and then convert it into an arrayed version.
Learn how to set up and use the special flow variables available for aging chains in Powersim Studio.

Agent Based Modelling
See how agent-based modelling can be combined with other kinds of modelling. In our case the movement of people is agent based and shown using the PIVOTSUM function.

Running a Visual Basic Scripting analysis
You will learn how to read values from a text file into a variable and understand how to build up the VBFunction.

Modelling about Optimization
This is an introduction to Optimization in Powersim Studio.
Learn about Generations, Parents, Offsprings, Minimum convergence, and the different ways of running the simulation.

Modelling with Series Variables
Learn how to create and work with series variables.
Give access to the future of a variable, see results without using Play button, and use them on a selection or throughout your model.

Modelling with Sub models
Understand public and private variables. Learn how to link an input to a sub model and connect one sub model to another.

Syntax control with model building
Studio assists you in building your expressions.
Learn smart ways to create links using keyboard shortcuts and how to organize your model using snapshots and slices in diagrams.

Modelling with Arrays
Learn how to work with one- or multi-dimensional Arrays.
Understand typical pitfalls and error messages, and benefits and limitations of Dynamic Ranges.

Scenario and Run control of your models
Learn how you set up and run a Monte Carlo simulation and add uncertainty and view the effects on your model.
Studio support Latin Hypercube & Monte Carlo method.

Running a Monte Carlo analysis
Learn how you set up and run a Monte Carlo simulation and add uncertainty and view the effects on your model.
Studio support Latin Hypercube & Monte Carlo method.

Connect a model with Excel
How to connect your models to MS Excel for Windows, and the typical pitfalls and how to resolve them.

Find a suitable Powersim Studio modelling edition to start developing your first model.