White Papers

We are proud to present a selection of white papers created by organizations that utilizes the System Dynamics method and Powersim Studio tools extensively.

Powersim Studio Best Practices Manual from Sandia National Laboratories

This manual was first published at the 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society July 2011. We highly recommend this paper since it give tips on how to better organize your simulation models which is excellent for teamwork. Also, the paper illustrates ways and features to document your modelling work. Leonard Malczynski published a white paper called “Powersim Studio Best Practices Manual” with colleagues from Sandia National Laboratories and other contributors.

This guide addresses software quality in the construction of Powersim Studio 8 system dynamics simulation models. It is the result of almost ten years of experience with the Powersim Suite of system dynamics modelling tools (Constructor and earlier Studio versions). It is a guide that proposes a common look and feel for the construction of Powersim Studio system dynamics models.

Simulation models converted into Powersim Studio 10 models

Below you will find links to a selection of models published on Mindseye Computing.
We greatly appreciate that they have allowed us to link to their resources page.

Business Dynamics by John Sterman

This textbook comes with a CD including Studio models, but these are in an old version of Powersim Studio. With Dr Sterman’s permission, Mindseye Computing has translated most of the models in his textbook to Powersim Studio 10 models.

Molecules for Structure by Jim Hines

The “Molecules of Structure” has been converted from Vensim to Powersim Studio models by Sandia National Laboratories. Jim Hines has given his permission to do this conversion, and with courtesy allowed Mindseye computing to share these models with Powersim Studio users.

Zoo Models by Hartmut Bossel

These are models from the excellent work of Hartmut Bossel in System Zoo Books 1,2 and 3. These were a series of simulation models on physics, engineering, climate, resources, economy and society. These are high quality models, with units that balance, well-documented by the book.