Workshops at the 2022 International Conference of the System Dynamics Society in Frankfurt, Germany July 18-22.
Len Malczynski from Mindseye Computing, will on Tuesday, July 12 conduct 2 workshops at the System Dynamics conference. The workshops are virtual events and you may register for the conference here.
- 14:00 Starting from scratch: Better model construction
- 16:00 Feedback Rich Model Construction with Powersim Studio
All times are given for Frankfurt (Central European Summer Time: UTC+2)
Powersim Software will sponsor these webinars with a Workshop license that will last for 3 months, request your license here:
Detailed description of the workshops
Starting from scratch: Better model construction
This workshop will be an introduction to model construction. This is not formulation, group model building, or testing. This is all about the process of using system dynamics software tools to create well-built and robust simulations. We will examine the quality of model construction, personal processes that will improve modeling skill, and criteria for checking the ‘well built’ attribute of system dynamics models. The workshop is intended for people who are relatively new to the field, have encountered models that can’t be understood, or do not have considerable modeling experience. Sample models will be available. A best practices document can be downloaded here:
Feedback Rich Model Construction with Powersim Studio
This workshop will be an introduction to building system dynamics models using Powersim Studio. The workshop is intended for people who are relatively new to the field or do not have experience using Studio. The session will be conducted as a hands-on workshop and will demonstrate basic techniques for building and analyzing, stock and flow diagrams and simple simulation models. It will also point out some of the advanced Studio features such as arrays, user interface tools, VB scripting, and the powerful Studio interactive development environment (IDE). Sample models will be available.